This is a work of Epistemology. In this work the nature and the number of
Pramanas are discussed. The work begins with a definition of Pramana as 'Yathartham Pramanam`. This covers both the knowledge and the means of knowledge. The knowledge is Kevalapramana while the means of the knowledge are Anupramana.The word Pramana admits both the meanings viz., the knowledge and its means. The knowledge is called Kevala- pramana while means of the knowledge are called Anupramana. The kevala- pramana is further classified as Isvarajnana, Laksmijnana etc.
Anupramana is classified as Pratyaksa, Anumana and Agama. Arthapatti and Upamana are brought under Anumana only. Sambhava and Parisesa are also brought under Anumana. Upakrama etc., are a form of arguments. Samakhya, vakya, prakarana etc. are also the same.
The contact between the senses and the objects that is free from the defects is
Pratyaksa. The arguments free from the defects are Anumana. The verbal communication free from the defects is
Sabdapramana. Vyapti i. e., invariable association is the ground of the argument. Conflict and incugruity are the defects of the arguments. These details are fully explained in the
commentaries.The details of Nigrahasthana, Jati etc., are also explained.All the fallacies and the other defects listed above are shown
in the syllogism proposed by Advaita to posit Mithyatva.The definitions of Pramana given by Prabhakaras and Bhattas
are rejected. Smriti is declared to be Pramana.At the close of the text it is stated that the Pramana laksana
and the other details given here are drawn from Brahmatarka.
conducted by

Sri Tirumala P.Kulkarni
Prajna Vidyapeetha - Bangalore
Sri Tirumala
Kulkarni, Presently serving as Asst Professor in Poorna Prajna
Vidyapeetha ,Bangalore has translated "Mantrartha
Manjari" of Sri Raghavendra tIrtha , Pramana Lakshana of
Sri Madhvacharya and co-authored Nyayasudha Saurabha. He was
recognised for his talence by Late Sri Vidyamanya tIrtha and
H.H.Sri Vishvesha tIrtha Shreepadaru of Pejawara Matha.He
has rendered
shastric concepts to develop `anusaraka’ Machine
Translation system jointly developed by IITKanpur and Hyd Central
University.Madhva Radio listeners indeed blessed to listen to
discourses by young Schloar Sri Tirumala Kulkarni.