Dr. C. H. Srinivasa Murthy)

H. H.
Sri.Raghavendra Tirtha , of Mantralaya was a great seer. He was a great exponent of the school of vedic philosophy revealed by Sri Madhvacharya.
Sri Madhvacharya has authored Bhasyas on RgVeda, ten principal Upanishads, Brahmasutras and the Bhagavadgeeta. His Prakaranas (Monographs) and the Anuvyakhyana, a Bhasya on the Brahmasutras are the monuments of reasoning.
The deftness and depth of Sri Madhva's works are not fathomable by men of average caliber. Sri Jayathirtha, a pontiff in the order of Sri Madhvacharya had the required caliber. He wrote lucid commentaries on the works of Sri Madhvacharya. These commentaries known as tikas show the depth and consistence of Sri Madhva's thought.
The works of Sri Jayathirtha are so deep that pursuers required glosses for their proper appreciation. Sri Raghuttama Tirtha, Sri Yadavarya, Sri Srinivasa Tirtha, Sri Vyasa Tirtha, Sri Vijayindra Tirtha, Sri Raghavendra Tirtha, the great seers in the tradition of Sri Madhvacharya wrote these glosses on the tikas of Sri Jayathirtha. These glosses are responsible for the effective flow of the pursuit of Vedanta to our age.
Sri Raghavendra Tirtha's blessing on the seekers of vedantic knowledge is immeasurable. He has given to them very useful glosses on six Prakaranas, Tattvaprakasika, Nyayasudha, on the tikas of the Gitabhasya and Gitatatparyanirnaya, Rgbhasya, Nyayavivarana. In these works Raghavendra Tirtha offers brief, simple and apt commentaries and explanations. They lead us to understand the tika which in turn leads to understand the works of Sri Madhvacharya. In his glosses on tikas, of Pramanalakshana, Tattvasamkhyana and the like which are studied by the beginners of vedantic pursuit Sri Raghavendra Tirtha goes down to the level of beginners and explains even the simple terms and concepts. But he would not do so in his glosses on higher works like Tattvaprakasika, Nyayasudha.
Besides glosses, Sri Raghavendra Tirtha has given independent commentaries on the Upanishads, the Bhagavadgeeta, RgVeda, Anubhasya of Sri Madhvacharya. He gives, in these works, the simple meaning of the text and a brief explanation of thoughts and texts. These commentaries introduce the student to the originals without taxing his brain. They inspire the student to undertake the study of Bhasyas and Tikas.
Tatparyachandrika and Tarkatandava of Sri Vyasaraja are the treaties of great critical
acumen in the realm of Indian Philosophy. Sri Raghavendra tirthas glosses on these works aid the pursuers in a big way. They examine the objections on Vyasatirthas views and establish the soundness of his arguments.
Vadavali and Pramana Paddhati are two independent works of Sri Jayatirtha. Both are meant for beginners. The glosses of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha on these works take the students along the works comfortably.
Pratahsamkalpagadya of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha is a vedantic prose. It praises the glory of Vishnu and Mukyaprana in the light of Vedas and Upanishads. The brief prose encompasses all the salient features of the two deities. The rhyme and rhythm of the prose captures the reader and takes him to the height of Vedic thoughts.
Sri Raghavendra Tirtha has a gifted insight to see a number of ideas in every sentence and in every word of the Nyayasudha. He has stated this in his Parimala, a gloss on Nyayasudha. He was also able to see in the Tatparyachandrika of Sri Vyasaraja, the path of Vedic thoughts that has come down in the age long tradition.
The general character of his works is simplicity and aptness. Late Sri Vidyamanya Tirtha of Palimaru and Bhadarikari Mutts has said "Sri Raghavendra Tirtha can be compared with none but himself in the art of authoring glosses that are neither deficient nor excessive".
The academic excellence of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha did not make him averse the world of suffering people. He gave them relief through his yogic power. A number of people, over centuries, have narrated their experiences in this regard and there are people even today who have experienced this compassion. His acts of compassion must set the inquisitive minds to inquire into the existence of transcendental powers. These acts are a wholesome adherence to the teachings of Vedanta.
Steadfast devotion to Lord Vishnu was the source of the wealth of knowledge and compassion of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha. "He was a bee at the lotus feet of SRI RAMA. He muttered the prayer of Achyuta intensively" - says a eulogy of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha.
A dedicated pursuit of Vedanta in the path set by Sri Madhvacharya is the true
ARADHANA of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha.
On the eve of Aradhana of Great Yati Sri Raghavendra tIrtha, We are pleased to bring following updates.
Sandeshas by
Vidyesha tIrtha swamiji
(Sri Bhandarakeri Matha, Udupi).
Vishvaprasanna tIrtha swamiji
(Junior Swamiji of Sri Pejawara Matha, Udupi).
on Sri Raghavendra's Works by
Sri A.Haridasa Bhat Principal Poorna
Prajna Vidyapeetha, Bangalore
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